The Need for an Affordable Decision Support Tool
According to the 2017 Infrastructure Report Card ( the need for wastewater infrastructure exceeds $271 Billion over the next 25 years. In the United States, the federal government provides some funding but 95% of the funding is done at the local level. This underscores the need for affordable Decision Support Tools that streamline the process during the Repair and Renewal process of the infrastructure life cycle.
With the aging water infrastructure, it is vital to determine the criticality for each pipe that is surveyed. The formula for calculating the final criticality score is shown below.
The Consequence of Failure consists of all of the elements that would impact the surrounding population, the environment, and the transportation infrastructure if a failure occurs. The Probability of Failure is determined by surveying the pipe. That process consists of a team of engineers going to the site to inspect and gather data. That data is then analyzed, and a report is written. It is a very time-consuming process. PipeBuddy uses all of this data to provide you with actionable condition assessment reports in minutes.
The PipeBuddy decision support tool offers easy data entry, cloud-based storage, and on-demand report generation. These features streamline the process of determining the Probability of Failure. The application is easily accessible from your phone, a tablet or laptop with internet connectivity. You can enter and save the data from the location. Then, let PipeBuddy do the work for you.
All of your project data is saved on our cloud-based servers. This allows you to share the data and reports with any member of your team. You can see all of your projects in one place; making sorting, prioritizing, and assigning projects a breeze.
Contact us today for more information or to schedule a demo.